
Bienvenidou, hola, miau...

Hola bellxs, éste vendría siendo oficialmente el blog de Emma Emerald, si estás aquí es por que probablemente ya sabes quien soy, pero para los que no cachan ni una les hago una breve intro:

Joven localizada en Chile, cuidadana del mundo, diseñadora, autodidacta, trabajadora sexual.

Que puedes encontrar en éste blog? Mis aventuras, mis visiones de vida, info sobre trabajo sexual, tutoriales para aprender cositas interesantes, arte, creatividad, etc.

Espero encuentren algo de su interés :*




The erotic imagery of Jan Saudek

Jan Saudek, czech painter/photographer has got to be one of my fave aesthetic influencers. His pieces celebrate queerness and nudity in all shapes with a grungy, frisky, mysterious yet revealing look.

Born in 1935 and having jewish heritage made his family a nazi target, so he experienced the WWII in his own skin. After surviving the holocaust he went back to Prague, where he worked clandestinely in a cellar, to avoid the attentions of the secret police, as his work evolved into themes of personal erotic freedom, and used implicitly political symbols of corruption and innocence.

From the late 1970s, he became recognised in the West as the leading Czech photographer. In 1983, the first book of his work was published in the English-speaking world. The same year, he became a freelance photographer as the Czech Communist authorities allowed him to cease working in a print shop, and gave him permission to apply for a permit to work as an artist. In 1987, the archives of his negatives were seized by the police, but later returned.